Three New Gamified Apps to Demo at GSummit

Three New Gamified Apps to Demo at GSummit


We are excited to announce that three breakthrough gamification projects will be revealed at the Gamification Summit (September 15th-16th). Social Chocolate (showing Jane McGonigal’s new game, SuperBetter), AXA Equitable and the Mozilla Foundation will each share their innovative new apps and provide early beta access where possible. Read on to find out more, or Register Now for live streaming access to the event. 

Social Chocolate will be demoing their first official release, SuperBetter. Headed by game designer, Jane McGonigal, SuperBetter uses game dynamics to encourage players to rethink personal health goals in a positive and social frame. Players will build up courage, discover hidden strengths, and team up with powerful allies to defeat their illness. GSummit attendees will have early access to the beta release, so come ready to get SuperBetter!

Health insurance company, AXA Equitable will show off their new “Pass it On!” game, which teaches the value of life insurance and planning for the future through a personal family simulation game. “Pass It On!” represents AXA Equitable’s first gamified effort – a major milestone for the company and industry.

The Mozilla Foundation, the same organization behind Firefox and Thunderbird, will be presenting Open Badges. When done poorly, badges are easily gained and just as easily thrown aside, but Mozilla aims to demonstrate how powerful these symbols can be. Open Badges provides an open platform that is accessible and transferable across sites and organizations. The Open Badge Infrastructure supports a badge ecosystem for public recognition where learning and achievement can take place anywhere, including outside the classroom. When done correctly, badges can help today’s learners display 21st century skills, unlock career and educational opportunities, and level up in their life and work.

All three demos are extraordinary and only GSummit gives you the opportunity to see them live in one place for the first time, gain early beta access, and talk face to face with the people who helped create them. There are only a handful of seats available at the GSummt, so be sure to register now! These showcased apps join the 30+ speakers from Mint, Google, Microsoft, Samsung, Playboy, MTV, MLB and others sharing the latest stats and best practices around gamification.

If you can’t make it to GSummit in person, you can purchase access to the event live stream, including the ability to watch it for up to 30 days, delivered in extra-high quality through our partnership with Fora.TV. Register now and enjoy GSummit from the comfort of your home/office. Use code STREAMSAVE to save $50 on your GSummit Livestream now.