Play a Game of Insurance: AXA Equitable’s, Pass it On

Play a Game of Insurance: AXA Equitable’s, Pass it On


Connie O’Brien of AXA Equitable speaks about a game designed by her company, an insurance company– and yes you heard that right– entitled “Pass it On.” The game was designed to instill an understanding in users of the value of life insurance, sales of which have been at an all time low. The company remains entirely transparent with their players in order to meet regulations and the challenges that come with the sensitive material inherent in the business.

Players go through the game, saving money and generally meeting the needs of their family -fundamentally learning about life insurance and its benefits.

One goal for AXA was to personalize the game through the use of custom avatars, and different color shields signifying levels. Instead of the player dying at the end, he or she moves on, and the beneficiary simply takes over the benefits, moving forward from there.

Players can also win a chance at a cash reward of $15-$25,000.



  1. Love them or hate them, if you’ve got insurance it’s handy when you need. Social media and the web present interesting challenges to traditional companies like insurance. Q? How to engage new customers using channels that feature strongly in many people’s lives, such as gaming.

    Although it seems weird for an insurance company to create a game, at least they are being inventive and trying to do something using modern technology and lifestyles to maintain and expand their customer base. And of course if the game is good they can embed their branding into an area where it has not been seen before.

    Sadly, we at Insurance For Holiday Homes do not have the budget to be able to have a game made for us. Still, a very interesting idea. It has got me thinking of ways that we could emulate this or do something similar, but on a smaller scale.